Saturday, August 21, 2010


I am happy to report that the cookbooks are ready for delivery. If you ordered one, they will be delivered next week.

There are still lots left, so please tell a friend! Our third fundraiser is coming up on September 18th, 2010. We will be hosting a spaghetti supper with a raffle, desserts, and lots of great food! Our donations are coming in and we are so thrilled to see God working through this process. He is so good!

On a bittersweet note, our foster daughter, T, will be moving out on Monday. She will be starting college in two weeks and has found a house to share nearby. We are happy that she is moving forward into adult hood, but worried that she will face many struggles. We will playing musical rooms so everyone will be ready for our newest addition.

Until then, here's a picture I painted for our cookbook sales:

Monday, August 16, 2010


They are finally done! Cookbooks are ready to be delivered this week. I am a binding fool right now, but so happy to be working on a fundraiser to bring our second daughter home.

If you would like to order a small cookbook for $5, or a large cookbook for $10, just click on the "donate" link to the left. Let me know how many and your address. I will be thrilled to get one in the mail to you. All proceeds go directly to LilyBeth's adoption fund. We can't do this without your help. Thank you!

Also, we are happy to report that we have chosen to go with All God's Children International for our third adoption. They are family by now and I absolutely love the staff.

So far we have raised over $200 in cookbook sales! God is so good.

Friday, August 13, 2010

I'm So Excited!!!

Our Cookbook is ready for the printer!! I picked up the binding machine today and should be ready to start shipping next week!!

So far, we've sold about 100 of them. I'm hoping to get out into a few local book stores, markets, and other arenas.

We also have a spaghetti dinner planned for September 18th at church. And, our first homestudy visit is this weekend.

Lots going on while waitinf for LilyBeth.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow, it's been a while since I posted but that is because I have been so busy!

Fundraising is such a time consuming project, but it must be done in order to bring LilyBeth home. So, I'm happy to report that my second fundraising effort is almost ready. It's a cookbook; not just any cookbook though. This is a cookbook of Mike's cooking and some of our favorite recipes from friends and family. It's called:

She Married Me for My Cooking!

They are printed on heavy paper and bound with a spiral spine for easy use. We are asking for donations starting at $5 for each copy. All proceeds go toward bringing home LilyBeth Ward. As you all know international adoption is expensive! The fees are necessary for paperwork processing, orphan care, flights, hotel, more fees for the child's paperwork, homestudy expenses, and meals in country. Please help bring this little girl home! I will keep a fundraising meter on the blog to show everyone how we are doing towards our goal.

Sharon and Mike