Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Orientation Packet!

After two months of fundraising, as well as wavering between agencies, we received our welcome packet today from All God's Children! I tore open the package and saw this little girl's face; I melted. My heart cried out with joy because I realized LilyBeth is no longer just a figment of my imagination: She's so real! In fact, she's already born and living in an orphanage in China. Oh how great is our God!

Now we need to finish up the homestudy--which should be done in a week or two, send in the orientation paperwork and the fee (ugh!), then we will officially be swamped with work to bring her home. Can you believe it? I'm in awe of God's wonder.

After adopting twice already, I have no fairy-tale images of how this process will go. I know it will be hard, expensive, and emotionally draining. But I also know that God has brought us this far already and whatever His plans are for LilyBeth, we will support it.

Please pray for us to finish raising the funds. Adoption is very expensive, and although you get much of it back in tax credits, you still have to have it to move forward. I welcome any fundraising suggestions.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fundraising and Update

So our spaghetti supper was a huge hit! God has blessed us with amazing friends! We were hoping to make about $1,000 but ended up making $2,000! God is so good!

I am mailing off the next big batch of cookbooks today and am so happy to see the pile dwindling down. If you ordered one and haven't gotten it yet, it's going out today. If you haven't ordered one yet, please click on the donate button to your left.

An update on our girls: Ruby and Asia are now in a new foster home. We tried to help the girls, but with so many kids needing our attention, we felt the girls needed to be in a place where they didn't have to share my attention and could get the therapy the needed. We love them and can't wait to see them again!

Now I'm trying to come up with some more fundraising ideas. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Detour, But it's all good

So while we are raising funds, through cookbook sales and a:

Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction
Saturday, September 18th, 2010
5pm - 7pm
Messiah Christian Church
2700 Post Road
Wells, ME 04090

We are blessed to have two little girls with us temporarily. They are foster children ages 3 and 5 and are as cute as can be. I wish I could show you, but I can't--laws and all. Well, I guess I can give you a peek: Just don't tell anyone!