Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas and Fingerprints

It's amazing how this waiting is flying by, and dragging along at the same time. Last week we received notice that our fingerprints had been scheduled for the first week of January! What a huge blessing. The adoption journey is long, but it's not so bad if you break it down into bite-size pieces. We wait to get our prints done, and then wait until CIS sends us our FDL, then send it to ASIA for translation, then wait for it to be logged-in to the CCAA, then wait for confirmation, then wait for travel dates. Crazy!
In the meantime we celebrate the blessings God has given us--our family, our home, our health. God is so good! Here are some pics of Christmas:

Even with a little snow, the kids were out sliding.

David, our oldest son, gave the kids a Buzz Lightyear rocket tent. This is a view from the top looking into the rocket.
Sam wanted a volcano, or other natural disaster for Christmas--he cracks me up!

A good friend came over to babysit so Mike and I could have a date. She gave them shaving cream to play with--she's the best!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I'm so happy to be in this process again. God is good and has blessed us abundantly throughout this process. We are now waiting to receive an appointment for our fingerprinting. After that we wait for our FDL to send to ASIA and then we wait for China to invite us to pick up LilyBeth.

China is very cautious about their children and prohibits us from placing identifyably photos of our children on the internet prior to the adoption being granted. So, I decided to edit our little girl's picture a bit so I could show her off. What do you think?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

God's Amazing Provision!

I am amazed at how good God is! Yes, I know God is good--all the time--but to see Him in action when I know I don't deserve His blessing is humbling.

About a month ago Mike and I were struggling to figure out how we would pay for this third/fourth adoption. I know God can provide as much money as we need, but will he do it? If I look at myself and think of how selfish I am, I know that I don't deserve any blessing, but thankfully God doesn't look at whether or not I deserve it--He does what He wants to glorify His name.

So imagine my surprise when we got a letter from Mike's company offering to purchase back stock options that were never exercised because the company didn't go public. The offer was for several thousand dollars--Yup, thousands! We were shocked at God's goodness! That meant that we were more than 2/3 of the way to our goal. So we continued to pray for the money we would need to finish the adoption.

Our kids pray every night for LilyBeth--for her health, safety, and the money to bring her home. On Monday Mike returned to work after his hunting trip. He called in afternoon to ask how much money we needed to finish the adoption--and when I told him he told me that he was getting a bonus from his employer this year. The amount was enough to fully fund our adoption. God truly amazes me.