Today is the two week mark! We have been waiting for our travel approval for two weeks now. I know it's coming soon so I'm not horribly anxious yet. (Notice I said "yet". That's because all waiting mamas know that our emotions can change on a dime and go from patiently waiting for the baby to crying and fretting in a split-second.) Getting updated pictures last week helped a lot. I got to see our little girl standing up--our other pictures have her propped on a toy and laying on the floor. She looks healthy, and to me that means a lot. So now we literally "wait for the call", the call that will tell us we can start making travel plans.
You'd think that with things this close (4-6 weeks from traveling) I would have already packed LilyBeth's suitcase, ordered money, and purchased donations for the orphanages, right? Not this mama. I like to procrastinate until the last minute when I will be in full-blown travel mode. That way I don't get my hopes up about a quick TA only to look at a fully-packed suitcase and wonder if I'll ever get to use it. When that call comes, you can bet I will a completely crazed woman! (I'm just giving you the head's up.)
The update:
As you know we've been waiting for the IRS to process our refund. I'm convinced we won't receive the refund until October at the earliest. Anyway, Mike and I have been praying that God would show us how He will provide for this adoption. Every time I log on to the IRS website a little voice in my head (God) says, "you're looking in the wrong place." But I look anyway--because I like to learn the hard way. Mike and I knew that God had planned this adoption all along. We haven't had to do much in the way of fundraising because God keeps providing the money. Well we learned last week that God was providing yet again! It's almost enough to complete the adoption without that IRS refund! We are so grateful to God! Now, bring on the TA!!!!
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