Tuesday, June 7, 2011

TA Process Info

While waiting for our TA, I realized that I had some questions about how the process works from the CCCWA side, as well as from our Agency's standpoint. I have to say that I am very impressed with the timeliness of ASIA's responses to ALL my crazy questions. Here are the questions I had for our agency and their responses:

1. Does ASIA call to tell us when travel approval is received or email?
We usually email the family and let them know the TA is here and that we have requested a date for the consulate appointment.
2. Will there be another travel packet coming, or other paperwork? There won’t be more paper work. You will receive 1 package containing your TA and couple of ASIA luggage tags. As your travel arrangement is finalized, we will email you your in-country itin, cost breakdown and your statement. The only paper work I can think of is the vaccination waiver if you haven’t done it yet.
3. Does ASIA get advance notice when CCCWA sends out TA's or do you just get them in the mail? We don’t , we will just receive it when it comes. We do check with them regarding our families periodically and they will let us know if it has been or has not been issued yet.
4. Does CCCWA issue TA's in batches, like once a month, twice a month, etc.? Or do they issue them daily? They do it in batches but not necessarily once a month or with a schedule, they just do a bunch when they get to it. We do know for a fact that CCCWA has been very busy lately and haven’t been issuing too many TAs-- as far as we know, they have not issued yours.

So, while I am disappointed to learn that CCCWA has not issued our TA yet I am happy to learn how it works. It helps to know that TA's are issued in batches, because that means I don't have to check in until I learn of other TA's out there. I don't expect to travel in June (which is what we were hoping for) but we will likely travel in July. That's very important because CCCWA is changing the rules as of August 1st. The fees change and the post-placement reporting schedule changes (more often--which means more fees on our side too.)

Hope this helps some of you.

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