Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A little humor

A little humor to lift our spirits:

You might be adopting from China if:

16. You own new children's clothing in 3 sizes, for all four seasons, for a child you've never met.

15. You know that waiting for China has nothing to do with dishes.

14. You've been "expecting" way more than 9 months.

13. You start weighing your clothes.

12. You're as hormonal as a pregnant woman without the weigh gain--well, maybe with some weigh gain.

11. You've been fingerprinted four times and have never committed a crime.

10. You practice squatting while going potty to perfect your aim.

9. You practice strapping large amounts of cash to your body without wrinkling it.

8. You have a crazy obsession with Skype, Blogger, red bags and tissue paper.

7. Letter combinations such as LOA, LID, TA, CA, PA, DD, DS, DH, SWI, CWI, SW, WS, SN, NSN, and RQ are part of your everyday vocabulary.

6. You can stock a small medical clinic with the "just-in-case" medicine and first aid supplies that are in your suitcase.

5. You know that I-800 and I-171 are NOT highways.

4. You scour store shelves looking for "stacking cups" because you think China won't let you adopt without them.

3. You know who the Rumor Queen DON'T know who she is.

2. You study Mandarin phrases like a college student cramming for finals in hopes you will have something to say to your daughter.


1. You love someone you've never met with all of your heart.

(This is a compilation of two different lists I found in the blogging world.)

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